Sustainable Design

1 Assessment & Planning

Conduct a thorough project analysis to define sustainability goals and understand client requirements for energy efficiency, material selection, and indoor environmental quality.

2 Architectural Design with Renewable Energy Solutions

Integrate renewable energy solutions such as air source heat pumps, solar panels, and underfloor heating into architectural designs. Optimise building orientation and envelope design for passive solar gain and natural ventilation.

3 Interior Design with
Eco-Friendly Materials

Specify eco-friendly and recycled materials that promote sustainable sourcing and production practices. Focus on materials that improve indoor air quality, including those low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and with antimicrobial properties. Emphasise materials with a full recyclable lifespan to minimise environmental impact.

4 Collaboration and Implementation

Focus on collaboration between the design team and contractors to seamlessly integrate sustainable practices within our projects. Utilise smart building technologies for efficient energy management, advanced lighting systems, and automated environmental controls.

5 Evaluation & Improvement

Conduct post-occupancy evaluations to assess the performance of sustainable design strategies. Gather occupant feedback to optimise indoor environmental quality and comfort levels. Implement lessons learned into future projects to continuously improve sustainable design practices.